Posts by admin

Updating UNMS URL on Ubiquiti Devices

ssh into device # vi /tmp/system.cfg change unms.uri= to the one listed in your UNMS/UISP portal  – Settings / Devices...

Melio URL Parameters

So, I’m not sure what all the parameters are, but I was able to figure out how to pass in...

PowerShell commands to remember

UPTIME Command to display the days of uptime.  Perfect for checking to see how long (in days) a computer has...

Setting up Zimbra on CentOS7 with SWAG Reverse Proxy

Install CentOS 7 Core Set hostname to Set static IP Disable selinux vi /etc/selinux/config reboot Disable Firewall systemctl stop...

SonicWALL to pfsense IPsec VPN tunnel

VPN/IPsec/Tunnel/New Phase 1   General Information Key Exchange: IKEv1 Remote Gateway: IP Address of SonicWALL Description: Whatever you want  ...

FreeMesh Wireless?

So I learned about this FreeMesh Wireless system and thought I would check it out.  The price is super cheap...

Creating a systemd service

Creating a systemd service

[Unit]Description=Start some [Service]Type=simpleExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/startup.shExecStop=/usr/local/sbin/stop.shTimeoutStartSec=0RemainAfterExit=yes [Install]

Adding a new drive to unRaid

Quick notes for adding a disk to an unRaid server so that it will be used by the shares.  Since...

Vixen -> Arduino -> Snoodle/Grinch/595/shift register

Vixen -> Arduino -> Snoodle/Grinch/595/shift register

Ok, in my previous post, I was able to run a simple Arduino code to shift 1’s and 0’s into...

MBI5027 with Arduino to verify everything is setup correctly

MBI5027 with Arduino to verify everything is setup correctly

Ok, so I built a bunch of Snoodles back in the day, but they require a parallel port on a...