Working with xTuple PostBooks ERP

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Looks like I might be moving on to xTuple PostBooks ERP because I\’m just having to much trouble with ofbiz to get it to the point I am happy with. So here are my notes to see how this works out.’, ‘Ok, I\’ve already downloaded and installed the windows version.. it looked nice so I installed PostgreSQL onto my Linux server and am using it for the database. When I rebuild the Linux server again (which, I know I will), I\’ll update the process here, as I had to fiddle around with a few sections to get it working.. but nothing more than most other people talk about with PostgreSQL.

So, now, I have Windows and Linux clients all connecting to the same database server and it seems to be working great. I\’m going to start with listing the process, and as I figure out how to customize the software for my company, I will note it as well.

Setting up PostgreSQL on Linux. In my case, CentOS 5.0. When I installed it, I picked PostreSQL and then turned on the service as well as turned off the extra stuff I don\’t need, like ip6tables, iptables, and selinux.

So, start by logging in as root and downloading the following files:

We are using the quickstart.backup because we don\’t need all the demo data, just the basic structure.

Next, we need to make a couple of quick configuration changes to PostgreSQL for our setup. Which is, multiple machines and subnets accessing the database.

# vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf

Change/add the following:
# IPv4 local connections:
host all all password
host all all md5
host all all md5

# vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf

Change :
#listen_addresses = \’localhost\’

listen_addresses = \’*\’

Restart the service:

# service postgresql restart

# cp init*.sql /opt
# cp postbooks*.backup /opt

# su postgres
$ cd /opt
$ psql -U postgres -f init-2.3.2.sql template1
$ createdb -U postgres mfg
$ pg_restore -U postgres -d mfg postbooks_quickstart-2.3.2.backup -v -W
password: postgres

Now, just connect with a client.


– Create quote
– Convert to order
– Issue stock to the order
– Release Purchase Request for items needing to be purchased to fill the order
– Post the purchase order
– Enter receipt of the order from vendor and post it
– Create voucher to pay for above order and distribute the payment to the items
– Create payment for voucher and apply? (still not sure on this one yet)
– Post voucher
– Ship order, being sure to check Create/print invoice
– Post invoice
– Receive payment from customer
– Post payment
– Apply payment to invoice

Personal company setup

System/Configure Modules/Configure A/R
– Update company info

G/L /Master Information/Companies
– edit and put your company name in.

System/Master Information/Images
– delete current \’logo\’ and upload company logo

I/M /Master Information/Warehouse
– edit proper info in

S/O /Master Information/Ship Vias…
– Create “Pickup”

Setting up Items

P/O /Master Information/Vendors
– Create vendor
P/D /Items/Enter New Item
– Fill out the stuff
– Add Item Site, make sure to click “Create P/R to meet demand” so that it auto creates P/Rs with the order.
P/D /Costing/Maintain Costing
– Choose new item and fill out
P/O /Item Sources/Enter new item source
– Choose vendor that supplies the item
– Go to Prices tab and enter default price/unit

Creating an Order

S/O /Orders/New Order
– Select Customer #
– Select Line Items tab and enter items

Processing WO and Manufacturing

W/O /Display/Work Order Schedule by Planner Code/Query
– Right-click on the W/O and post it
– Issue materials?
– build it, and close the W/O?

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