Installing TimeTrex 2.2.16 on CentOS 5.0

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Installing TimeTrex on a clean install of Cent OS 5.0

TimeTrex is an open source time management and payroll system.
‘, ‘Now, TimeTrex is an open source attendance and payroll system. I installed it on my web server, but found out real quick that it was very resource heavy. So, I\’m going to setup a new install on my vmware server, copy the data over and get it running on my “sandbox” image. Once I have everything working how I would like, I will copy it to a “production” image and go from there. Also, I have already made some custom changes to the .php files for printing payroll checks to match our 1 check per page style checks. I plan to try to create a new option on the export drop down list and if I get everything working how I would like, I will submit it to the maintainers of the TimeTrex software so other can also use the same style checks.

Anyway, on to the install.

First, I installed a fresh copy of Cent OS 5 from the DVD. I selected server, and uncheck everything I didn\’t feel we needed, such as DNS and made sure to check MySQL.

after the install was done, I installed Webmin just to make setting up apache easier and turned off SElinux, iptables, etc.

Because this is an internal server, and I will have a hardware firewall protecting it from the outside if I decide to make it available externally for cell phones.

So, after installing webmin, I created a time database in mysql along with a user and password for that database.

Edit /etc/php.ini and change:

memory_limit = 16M


memory_limit = 128M

#chkconfig mysqld on
#chkconfig httpd on

# service mysqld start
# service httpd start

Download the source from TimeTrex after receiving an e-mail link to the download.

get the .zip version and unzip it… Copy it to the /var/www/html directory.

# mv timetrex.ini.php-example_linux timetrex.ini.php

edit it to have the proper paths at the top, and the correct database information.

# cd /var/www/html
# chmod 777 template_c
# chmod 777 /var/www/html

# yum install php-mysql php-pear php-bcmath php-gd -y

Now, in a web browser, go to :


Accept the license and fix all the red areas.. here is what I had to do.

# chmod 777 timetrex.ini.php
# mkdir tmp
# chmod 777 tmp
# mkdir storage
# chmod 777 storage
# mkdir log
# chmod 777 log

I put my tmp, log, and storage in the html path, but you can put them anywhere you have permission to change them.

At this point, we should see all OK on the “System Check” screen, so we can hit “Next”.

Because we already created the database in Webmin, we don\’t need to provide roots database username and password.

So, click “Next” and wait for it to fill up the database with data.

Fill out all the screens and keep going. When you get to the point where you have to setup a cron job.. do this.

# crontab -e

Copy and paste the line displayed on the install page:

* * * * * su apache -c “php /var/www/html/classes/modules/core/../../../maint/cron.php” > /dev/null 2>&1

To verify that apache is the correct username, just do this:

# ps -ef | grep httpd

And that\’s it.. just point your browser to the IP of your server and you should get the login screen.

Now, I plan on rebuilding my database from the sql dump of the current running system, so to do that, after dumping the data to a .sql file (that included the drop tables statements), I just do this:

# mysql -u root -D database name < timedata.sql

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