Dakota Digital PV2 (Single-Use Camera)

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How to hook up a Dakota Digital PV2 Single-Use camera to your computer to make it a multiple-use.. :)’, ‘Ok.. I\’m going to try to record my actions on my XP machine, as installing the last parts I did on my 2k machine didn\’t work on it.. so I\’m going to try to go through the same steps I did on my 2k machine to see if I can get it working on my XP machine.

There are plenty of site out there that will already tell you how to build the USB cable, and I used a Palm connector and it works great.

Now, I\’m just trying to get the drivers installed, as I have already messed up the firmware (just using the camera at the mall, about 20 minutes after purchasing, but I did remove the sticker, so I could have “shocked” it with static electricity.. Luckily, I bought 2 of them).

So, first I downloaded the following:


Ok, so my understanding was that I could install the filder-bin, unzip/tar the device-bin, and use the tool “bin/inf-wizard.exe” to create my .inf file and be set. But, it doesn\’t seem to want to install 🙁

So, here\’s what I\’m doing now:

First, I\’m going to install the Foxz2 software. Ok, that installed without any issues.

I\’m gonna run the inf-wizard.exe again.. When I did this on my 2k machine, it didn\’t find anything.. I had to boot into Linux to get the Vendor and Product ID, which for my camera is :

Vendor ID: 0x0DCA
Product ID: 0x27

Under XP, it detected it, so I just had to choose next and give it a Manufacturer and Device name.. so I just set it as:

Manufacturer Name: Dakota
Device Name: PV2

and left the name “your_file.inf”.

Ok, so I plug in the camera, and get the device wizard.. tell it to list all devices and select next.. tell it that you want to pick the drivers and browse to your “your_file.inf” file..

It installed without problems.. probably would have even without the Foxz2 drivers.. oh well.

No, just to make sure it worked, let\’s run the testlibusb-win.exe program and make sure it is listed.. Yup.. there it is..

Next, we want to run the PV2Tool PV2Tool2_libusb- (to match the version of libusb we installed) and open the camera.

Now it really gets wierd.. Ok, so Windows sees my broken camera, but it doesn\’t see the good one.. 🙁 What\’s up with that?

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