Booting Linux on a USB RamStick

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Steps used to boot a USB Ramstick with Linux’, ‘Ok.. here is my first attemp.. I followed this guys instructions.. but for some reason, couldn\’t get it to work, so I used his .tar file at the bottom:


Now, I have my USB booting and working.. but I don\’t think I want to keep DSL/Knoppix on it.. so I\’m going to first learn how this stuff works, and then try to create a new one. I have a 128MB USB Ram stick, so I have more room to play as well. And the current plan is to make it boot up with OpenMosix support for my cluster project. If nothing else, I will have it do the network booting for me, since the current network cards aren\’t programmable. After I get this working, I will look into making them network bootable as they are. I\’m sure they are able to do it, just don\’t know how yet.’, ‘0’, ’40’, ‘3’, ‘jz’, ”, ‘0’, ”, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘3-‘);
INSERT INTO nuke_stories VALUES ( ’22’, ‘1’, ‘jz’, ‘Apache 2.x and virutal sites’, ‘2004-09-22 10:09:53’, ‘Why stuff doesn\’t work from the start.’, ‘Ok.. first we\’ll fix cgi-bin programs.

edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

search for:

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

Add ExecCGI to the end, if it\’s not there

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI

Next, do a search on AddHandler

Add this:

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl

make sure you have these set:

<   Directory "/home/sites/"  >
allow from all
Options ExecCGI Includes
<  /  Directory  >

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