VNC Desktop on Linux
How to get a window manager running on your VNC Server’, ‘This is pretty simple actually.
First, start the server:
$ vncserver
vncserver running on computername:1
Now that it\’s running, let\’s kill it.
$ vncserver -kill :1
ok.. now, let\’s config it.
$ vi .vnc/xstartup
At the bottom.. you should have a line like this:
twm &
I\’m going to have it run icewm, so I\’ll change it to this:
icewm-session &
#twm &
That\’s it.. Just save, and start vnc server again.. now you will have IceWM running.. If you want to use kde, just change it to:
startkde &
#twm &
Now, if you want the service to be available on start up, just edit this:
# vi /etc/sysconfig/vncservers
and add this:
VNCSERVERS = “1:username 2:username 3:username”
Where username = a valid user account on the machine.
Now, let\’s turn on the service..
# chkconfig vncserver on
and now let\’s start is.
# /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S91vncserver start