Trustix 2.1 and Webmin

Installation steps for Trustix 2.1 and Webmin’, ‘Boot from the Trustix 2.1 CD and install Trustix.

——— To Install SK98 Gigabit Ethernet Drivers ————

Official Info

Login as root

Put the Trustix 2.1 cd in the drive

# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
# cd /mnt/cdrom/trustix/rpms
# rpm -ivh kernel-source-2.4.25-8tr.rpm
# ln -s /usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.25-8tr /usr/src/linux

Put the Gigabit Drivers Floppy in the drive

# mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
# cd /mnt/floppy/linux
# cp * /root
# cd
# bunzip2 install-614.tar.bz2.1.bz2
# tar -xf install-614.tar.bz2.1
# cd DriverInstall
# ./

Press 1 for user, and Y to continue.

# modprobe sk98lin
# ls /proc/net/sk98lin

It should say eth0 or eth1 depending on what the card is in your system.

# ifconfig ethx x.x.x.x (where ethx is the number listed above, and x.x.x.x is the IP address you want to use)
# cd /etc/sysconfi/network-scripts
# cp ifcfg-lo ifcfg-eth0 (or eth1, whichever is diplayed above)
# vi ifcfg-eth0

Edit to desired settings

Add for DHCP:

I like to set the bootproto to dhcp, reboot, so DHCP will hand it all my network info, and then go back in, and set a static IP. That way, the server has it\’s DNS settings, etc.

and don\’t forget to add:


# ifup eth0

# vi /etc/modules

On the first blank line add:

—————— End Gigabit Driver Install ——————-

To allow users to SU to root:

# vi /etc/group



root:x:0:user1, user2, etc

#chkconfig sshd on
#service sshd start

# vi /etc/sysconfig/network

Set HOSTNAME= whatever.whatever

# vi /boot/grub/grub.conf

change the timeout:


now.. let\’s run swup to make sure the system is up to date:

# swup –upgrade

# swup –install openssl
# swup –install openssl-devel

This will install the newest version of OpenSSL for Webmin..

Next, we need the Net::SSLeay perl module

# wget
# tar -xvzf
# cd
# perl Makefile.PL
# make install
#perl -e \’use Net::SSLeay\’

You shouldn\’t get any response to that last command..

Next, we will move onto Webmin..

goto and download the newest version in tar.gz format.

# wget

# tar -xvzf webmin-1.150.tar.gz
# mv /webmin-1.150 /usr/libexec/webmin
# cd /usr/libexec/webmin
# ./

Follow the prompts..

Now, if you didn\’t install OpenSSL Before installing Webmin, you can install it, and then configure Webmin to use it:

Now, to enable SSL

Log into webmin:


Click on “Webmin Configuration”
Click on “SSL Encryption”
Scroll down to the bottom, enter your info, and click on “Create Now”
Click Back on your browser
Change “Enable SSL if available?” to YES

If you want, select YES for “Redirect non-SSL requests to SSL mode?” that way, if you forget to use https://, it will forward you to it.

and click “Save”

You should receive a certificate warning as your certificate isn\’t signed.. but that\’s not a problem. Just say “yes” or “ok” and you should now be ussing SSL.

Optional: Automatic updates.. By default, Trustix will not automatically upgrade the kernel, so we shouldn\’t have to worry about it doing damage.. So, I\’m going to have it check for updates every night.

# crontab -e

Add this at the end, it will check for updates, and e-mail you the results:

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