Migrating Trixbox to new hardware

Steps I took to manually migrate from Trixbox 2.2.4 to Trixbox on new hardware.


New Server (PBX2)   After installing Trixbox, I ran the following to get it prepped.


#setup (setup proper network IP)

#vi /etc/resolv.conf nameserver x.x.x.x (DNS server IP)

restart network with new IP

#ifdown eth0

#ifup eth0

Verify DNS and default GW is working

#ping google.com

Change server name

#vi /etc/sysconfig/network

# setup-cisco


On PBX1 First steps are to backup the old server data.  I started out by creating a migration directory in the root folder:

# mkdir migration

# cd migration

# mysqldump -h localhost -u root -p asterisk > asterisk.sql

Do this for each database: asteriskcdrdb asteriskrealtime endpoints sugarcrm

Now, let’s backup the configs:

# cp -R /etc/asterisk ./

#cp -R /tftpboot ./


Now, the sound (voicmail and recordings):

#cp -R /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail ./

#cp -r /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/ ./

# cd .. # tar -cf pbx1.tar migration/*

# gzip pbx1.tar # sftp root@pbx2 > put pbx1.tar.gz > exit


Back on PBX2:

# tar -xvzf pbx1.tar.gz

# cd migration

# unalias cp

# cp -R asterisk/* /etc/asterisk

# cp -R sounds/* /var/lib/asterisk/sounds

# cp -R voicemail/* /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail

#cp -R tftpboot/* /tftpboot

# mysql -u root -p -h localhost asterisk < asterisk.sql and do that again for each database you dumped earlier

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