Building a new kernel
Quick command list for building a Linux Kernel’, ‘cp /boot/config-whatever-current-kernel /usr/src/linux-2.4.xx/.config
make menuconfig
make dep
make bzImage
make modules
make modules_install
make install
‘, ‘0’, ‘204’, ‘3’, ‘jz’, ”, ‘1’, ”, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘3-‘);
INSERT INTO nuke_stories VALUES ( ’27’, ‘1’, ‘jz’, ‘ieee1394 on FC1’, ‘2004-10-13 23:12:15’, ‘Setup/Config an ieee1394 adapter on Fedora Core 1’, ‘Info from: Here
First, download libraw1394
cd /where/you/downloaded/libraw1394
tar xvfz libraw1394_0.10.1.tar.gz
cd libraw1394-0.10.1
make install
# Create the raw device (/dev/raw1394):
make dev
# Reboot:
shutdown -r now
# After the system reboots, logon and load the modules:
modprobe ohci1394
modprobe raw1394
Module dependencies should ensure that the ieee1394 subsytem module installs automatically. If you receive errors about unresolved symbols, then try the following:
insmod ieee1394
insmod ohci1394
insmod raw1394