Gnome to IceWM on CentOS 5 / mythtv
Quick how-to for configuring gdm to automatically log in a user and run icewm under CentOS 5.’, ‘ Install icewm...
Quick how-to for configuring gdm to automatically log in a user and run icewm under CentOS 5.’, ‘ Install icewm...
How to setup PulseAudio so that you can hear sound on your windows machine that is being played on a...
Sets to setup Trixbox 2.2 with a digium TDM400P card.’, ‘After installing Tribox 2.2 from the ISO cd, we need...
I signed up at THIS SITE (affiliate link) to keep track of my daily weight, water, calories, excersize, etc. This...
Covers how to configure an environment to network boot MiniMyth with an NFS root using a Fedora Core 6 backend...
Summary of the steps required to make it so that vnc can connect the a Fedora Core 6 linux box...
‘ Linux Serial Console HOWTO Borrowed from Van Emery Step 1: Check your system\’s serial support First, let\’s make sure...
Quick setup notes for setting up a SugarCRM system on a fresh CentOS install.’, ‘After installing CentOS we\’ll create a...
Settings used on my GXP-2000 to connect to my Vonage SoftPhone line.’, ‘vonage phone number = full number, including the...
Some quick drawings of how you can run multiple connections over a single Cat 5 if you really must.’, ‘Note:...
This website was created as a block/notes location for myself personally. After spending the time to architect a project, I had a series of hard drives fail about 6-8 months later. After replacing them, I had to re-learn everything from that project. Since then, I have been randomly creating posts on this site as quick notes to myself in the event I have to revisit any of these items.