Posts by admin

Automount as needed NFS shares

Automount as needed NFS shares

In this example, we’re going to setup an automount rule using autofs to mount /home using NFS when a user...

Setting up RDS on Windows 2012 without being on a domain

Setting up RDS on Windows 2012 without being on a domain

Install the RDS License Service and RDS Host role. Launch the RD Licensing Manager.  Right-click on the server and select...

Read/Write HDD Speed Test

Read/Write HDD Speed Test

These are the observations I recorded while doing some read/write speed tests on a server.  The main goal was to...

Redundant Backup Storage Device

Redundant Backup Storage Device

So, I’ve learned about different network backup storage devices and thought I would give a crack at putting one together...

Marking drive inactive

Marking drive inactive

I came across a server that had 4 1TB drives in it.  Normally, you would create a hardware RAID5 with...

Portable Minecraft on USB Flash Drive

Portable Minecraft on USB Flash Drive

This is the process to build a bootable USB flash drive with Lubuntu Live 14.04 and set it up to...

My Sites

My Sites – Originally started out as my personal business doing custom web design and hosting.  Over the years, it has...

Time4Learning Online Curriculum Review

Time4Learning Online Curriculum Review

UPDATE: We have since stopped using after finding out that my hopes (updated lessons) was never going to happen. ...

Kids Bedroom

Kids Bedroom

Just a quick pic of the kids bedroom.  They decided that since they don’t spend a lot of time in...

Starting to make repairs

Starting to make repairs

A lot has been going on at the house.  I still have 2 more vidoes to post before we catch...