Cobalt Raq 4 Reference

Notes for Cobalt Raq 4\’s’, ‘DNS files:


‘, ‘0’, ‘223’, ‘3’, ‘jz’, ”, ‘1’, ”, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘3-‘);
INSERT INTO nuke_stories VALUES ( ’41’, ‘0’, ‘jz’, ‘Setting up a Bigsister Server on Linux’, ‘2006-08-12 22:58:43’, ”, ‘First, head over to and download the stable versions of the .rpm packages. You will need the BASE, SERVER, and AGENT rpms.

After downloading, install each:

#rpm -ivh bigsister-1.02-4.noarch.rpm
#rpm -ivh bigsister-server-1.02-4.noarch.rpm
#rpm -ivh bigsister-agent-1.02-4.noarch.rpm

Now, all the files are in place to run a BigSister server and agent.

If you are just installing an agent, you only need the base and agent rpms.

Now, to configure apache to load the BigSister pages from http://localhost/bigsis

-more coming soon –

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