VMWare server 1.0.10 on CentOS 5.5
Quick setup guide to installing VMWare server 1.0.10 on CentOS 5.5′, ‘Ok, the main purpose for this document is to remind myself NOT TO INSTALL 2.0.2. The fact that I made the mistake of building another VMWare server using 2.0.2.. going through the same headache with the web access crashing.. to the point where I have to backup my images and rebuild the server.. yet again (I did this once already).. is the reason I even put this site together. I mean.. really.. AGAIN!?!?!
So, here are my quick steps…
Install CentOS 5.5 i386. If you want to use _64, be prepared to do a lot of work with dependencies, as there isn\’t a 64bit version of the 1.0.x VMWare server series…. in this case, I\’m using the netinstall.iso and pointing it to:
server: mirror.centos.org
dir: /centos/5.5/os/i386
pick the bare minimums
wait for it to download and install everything.
Log in as root, create a user account, disable root login through ssh.. the normal drill.
Run yum upgrade and make sure everything is up to date. Reboot, to make sure you are running the latest kernel. Then, install the following:
yum install libXtst gcc kernel-devel xinetd
download VMware-server-1.0.10.rpm and installed it.
# rpm -ivh VMware-server-1.0.10.rpm
when it\’s done, run the setup script.
# vmware-configure.pl
Hit enter for 90% of the questions and set the ones that you want. Once it\’s done, you are all set.