Trixbox 2.2 with Digium TDM400P card
Sets to setup Trixbox 2.2 with a digium TDM400P card.’, ‘After installing Tribox 2.2 from the ISO cd, we need to set a static IP address.
# netconfig
Next, we need to do the yum updates to get the system up to date:
# yum update -y
Next, install the hudlight server and admin
#yum install hudlite-server tbm-hudadmin -y
Now, let\’s get the latest digium drivers and isntall the kernel headers:
#yum install kernel-devel
# cd /usr/src
#tar -xvzf zaptel-1.2-current.tar.gz
#mv zaptel-1.2 zaptel
# cd zaptel
# build_tools/install_prereq install
# make clean
# make install (if you receive an error, see fix below)
# shutdown -r now
# rebuild_zaptel
# shutdown -r now
# amportal stop
# genzaptelconfig
Make fix.. :
# vi /usr/src/kernels/2.6.9-xxxblah/include/linux/spinlock.h
edit line 407 : REMOVE _ in rw_lock, so it reads:
#define DEFINE_RWLOCK(x) rwlock_t x = RW__LOCK_UNLOCK
That\’s it.. now run the \’make install\’ again and it should work.’, ‘0’, ‘493’, ‘8’, ‘jz’, ”, ‘0’, ”, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘8-3-‘);
INSERT INTO nuke_stories VALUES ( ’54’, ‘0’, ‘jz’, ‘Adding a new Hard Drive under Linux’, ‘2007-08-13 20:33:41’, ‘Quick cheat sheet for adding a new hard drive.’, ‘Install the new HD.. in this example, it will be /dev/hdb (Slave on the primary).
#fdisk /dev/hdb
n (create new)
1 (first block)
dafault (last block)
w (write and exit)
# vi /etc/fstab
In this example, I\’m going to auto mount it as /home2.
/dev/hdb1 /home2 ext3 suid,dev,exec 0 0
# mkfs -t ext3 /dev/hdb1
Now, either reboot, or type this:
# mount /dev/hdb1
# df
You should see it listed there, and be able to access it under /home2
‘, ‘0’, ‘224’, ‘3’, ‘jz’, ”, ‘0’, ”, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘3-‘);
INSERT INTO nuke_stories VALUES ( ’55’, ‘0’, ‘jz’, ‘Quick guide: setting up NFS shares’, ‘2007-08-27 19:31:06’, ‘Quck how to for server and client.’, ‘On server:
vi /etc/exports
# chkconfig nfsd on
# service nfsd start
On Client:
#mkdir /home/data
#mount -t nfs /home/data
Make it automount:
#vi /etc/fstab /home nfs rw,bg,hard,intr 0 0
‘, ‘0’, ‘327’, ‘3’, ‘jz’, ”, ‘0’, ”, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘3-‘);
INSERT INTO nuke_stories VALUES ( ’59’, ‘0’, ‘jz’, ‘Trixbox Default Passwords (as of 2.2.4)’, ‘2007-11-07 08:20:48’, ‘Quick list of default usernames and passwords’, ‘—Switch to admin mode
passw0rd (o = zero)
passw0rd (again, o = zero
— Sugar CRM