Setting up out of the box
There are enough tutorials out there to explain how to install/setup and OFBiz.or g ERP system, but there isn\’t much on how to setup the company after you have it running.
So, these are my notes as I stumble through what I could find, and compile it into a list so that when I build the real system, I will know exactly what needs to be done.’, ‘TOC
– Quick Install
– Setup
grab the ofbiz.tar.gz file and jdk-6u4-linux-i586-rpm.bin
sh jdk-6u4-linux-i586-rpm.bin
useradd ofbiz
mv ofbiz.tar.gz /home/ofbiz
cd /home/ofbiz
tar -xvzf ofbiz.tar.gz
mv ofbiz-4.0 ofbiz
chown -R ofbiz.ofbiz ofbiz
su ofbiz
cd ofbiz
mkdir logs
Before you run this next command, you need to choose if you want a bare install (no example data), minimal data, or full example data.
./ant run-install
exit back to root:
cp rc.ofbiz /etc/init.d/ofbiz
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/ofbiz
vi /etc/init.d/ofbiz
set the java path to /usr/bin/java
chkconfig -add ofbiz
chkconfig ofbiz on
/etc/init.d/ofbiz start
Let it run, it takes a while to load all the data, etc.
To check the status, do \’tail /home/ofbiz/ofbiz/logs/console.log\’
First, go to
click on login
default admin account:
username: admin
password: ofbiz
Company Setup
search for party ID “Company”
Update the “Group Information”
Update the “Contact Information”
Employee Setup
click on Party tab<
click Create New
click Create Employee
Fill in all the information
Edit the employee and click on the “Roles” link at the top.
Click the “Add To Role” drop down and select role.
click Add
Scroll down under User Names and select “Security Groups” and set to “Full Admin”.
Log out Admin, log in with your new account.
Go to Party tab, type in username of “admin” and submit. Edit each user account and disable the default ones. That would be admin, flexadmin, demoadmin, and 1.
Facility Setup
Click on “Facility” tab
Create new facility
Click on “ContactMechs”
Create new contact. Add purpose, Ship To address, Ship Origin address, and Primary address. This is needed to allow items to be shipped from/to this location.
Tax Authorities
Click on Party/Create new/New Party Group
Group Name: Illinois Sales Tax Authority
Click on Roles, add “Tax Authority”
Click on Accounting/Tax Authorities/New Tax Authority
Geo: IL
Party: party you just created
Also, at this time, you can change the N/A to 0% tax as the default is 1%. If the system doesn\’t know where the order is going, it will use N/A and add 1% sales tax.
Catalog Setup
– Promos
First, let\’s turn off all the example promos. What we are going to do, is make them require the promo code to be added to an order, so they won\’t “auto apply”.
Click on Calalog/Promos and the select each promo that you see a “N” under the “Require Code?” field. and change them all to “Y”.
– Stores
Click on Stores and create a new store for each facility. Link them to the Facilities you created earlier.
– Adding Products
Click on Main and select “Create New Product” in the middle of the page.
Insert Product ID if you want your own, otherwise it will be auto generated.
Internal Name : Is what shows up on the order
and then click create.
Next, select the Prices tab
Type in a price and hit Create
Select “Costs” tad
Select Type drop down and select “Material Cost” and enter Cost field and click submit
Now, click on the “Suppliers” tab
Select the supplier from the drop down
Enter last price
Supplier Product Name
Supplier Product ID
Click Create
Now, to be able to order an item from a supplier, the supplier MUST be listed under the item.
Buying Stuff (Overview)
1) Create/Approve Purchase Order (Order/Order Entry/Purchase Order),
– Pick a supplier
– Give it a name
– Add items to the order
– Finalize Order/Continue
– Pick Facility
– Create order, Approve order
2) Create/Approve Purchase Invoice (Accounting/Invoices/New Invoice)
– From = Vendor, To = PhoneTeks, LLC
– Add Items and don\’t forget shipping/handling!
– Status approve/ready
3) Create/Apply Payment (Accounting/Payments/Create New Payment)
– Vendor Payment
– From: Company, To: whoever
– Amount, create
– Now, apply the payment to the Purchase Invoice for each line item.
– Change status to Sent and then Confirmed.
4) Receive PO
– Facility/Facility ID
– Receive Inventory/Enter PO #
– Receive entire PO, etc.
WORK IN PROCESS, will complete soon
Create a quote, approve, convert to order: