Installing SugarCRM 5.1.0b on CentOS 5
My guide to installing SugarCRM 5.1.0b on CentOS5.’, ‘This is a super quick guide. I may come back and clean it up when I do the next install.
Ok, the standard CentOS install + MySQL.
I like to use Webmin, so install that
# yum install -y php-mbstring php-mysql php-gd gd mod_ssl glib2-devel gcc-c++ mysql-devel mysqlclient10 mysql-bench php-imap
Download latest full version of SugarCRM and unzip it.
cd SugarCE-Full-5.1.0b
cp -R * /var/www/html/
cd /var/www/html/
chown -R apache.apache *
vi /etc/php.ini
Make whatever changes.. I don\’t remember, upload files size needs to be larger that 6mb.. I think I maid it 64mb or something.
chmod -R 777 config.php custom/ modules/ data cache
service httpd restart
Using Webmin, create a database and user for sugarcrm to connect to.
Browse to the server and step through the install pages.