Automount smb share with r/w for a user
UPDATE: smbfs is no longer available, use “apt-get install cifs-utils” and cifs instead of smbfs when moutning. Quick info...
UPDATE: smbfs is no longer available, use “apt-get install cifs-utils” and cifs instead of smbfs when moutning. Quick info...
Step by step building a 16/32 channel Snoodle based on the 5027 chip and standard SSR circuit. Basically, it\’s a...
Basically a copy/paste of the edits I did on my patrioit boxoffice so that it mounts my data server on...
What I do to setup a 2 user machine.’, ‘Start the computer with the Userful Multiseat Linux 2011 32-bit CD....
General info I looked into’, ‘AS OF 07/19/2011 Cost breakdown: WOM: $3,000 POM: 10,130 – 8 x 6v S530 Batteries...
recipe for fried “rice” that uses cauliflower for the rice.’, ‘Ingredients: * 1/2 head raw cauliflower, (grated to make 3...
So, I finally did it. I purchased an HTC HD2 off ebay and loaded android on it.. this is what...
Quick setup guide to installing VMWare server 1.0.10 on CentOS 5.5′, ‘Ok, the main purpose for this document is to...
Notes I took while initially setting up a Cisco ASA 5505 for my house.’, ‘As this was a used device,...
Quick guide to resetting password on a Cisco 1700 using HyperTerminal.’, ‘ Connect cable and setup HyperTerminal to use 9600,...
This website was created as a block/notes location for myself personally. After spending the time to architect a project, I had a series of hard drives fail about 6-8 months later. After replacing them, I had to re-learn everything from that project. Since then, I have been randomly creating posts on this site as quick notes to myself in the event I have to revisit any of these items.