KDE to IceWM
How to change from KDE to IceWM using apt-get/Synaptic’, ‘Start synaptic. If you haven\’t done so already, click on the...
How to change from KDE to IceWM using apt-get/Synaptic’, ‘Start synaptic. If you haven\’t done so already, click on the...
How to install Lotus Notes (5.0.11) on a Linux system (RH9) using WINE.’, ‘Ok, in this example, I\’ll be using...
Installing MythTV Using onboard Video and ATI TV Wonder VE Card’, ‘ Installing MythTV Using onboard Video and ATI TV...
‘ X Terminals – Quick Setup Server: Install Standard Linux as workstation (or your choice options) to boot to GUI....
This website was created as a block/notes location for myself personally. After spending the time to architect a project, I had a series of hard drives fail about 6-8 months later. After replacing them, I had to re-learn everything from that project. Since then, I have been randomly creating posts on this site as quick notes to myself in the event I have to revisit any of these items.