Setting up
Basic server setup.’, ‘ General Setup Bigsister Samba NTP Subversion General Setup Ok.. for this one, I\’m using CentOS 4.3.....
Basic server setup.’, ‘ General Setup Bigsister Samba NTP Subversion General Setup Ok.. for this one, I\’m using CentOS 4.3.....
How I recovered my data when a Drive died only a few hours after installing and adding it to the...
Quick command references for the party line. telnet localhost xxxx Add user: .adduser NewUser Add user to auto op .chattr...
Installing a BigSister Agent on a RAQ4 server…’, ‘Actually, the process is pretty simple, but because BigSister requires the latest...
How to hook up a Dakota Digital PV2 Single-Use camera to your computer to make it a multiple-use.. :)’, ‘Ok.....
Reminders for setting up an Asterisk @ Home system’, ‘NOTE: Everything listed here has been done on A@H 2.5! I...
Installing ZoneMinder on CentOS 5.0 with a PV149PA 8 port capture card.’, ‘Install CentOS 5.0 Follow directions to add rpmforge...
Running Linux on a Nintendo DS’, ‘Well.. This is actually just the GBA Linux running on it right now.. I\’m...
Notes for Cobalt Raq 4\’s’, ‘DNS files: /etc/named ‘, ‘0’, ‘223’, ‘3’, ‘jz’, ”, ‘1’, ”, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’,...
EffecTV using MSI TV @nywhere S-Vid capture on FC1′, ‘Installed FC1 with development tools Downloaded Kernel 2.6.9 source ( #...
This website was created as a block/notes location for myself personally. After spending the time to architect a project, I had a series of hard drives fail about 6-8 months later. After replacing them, I had to re-learn everything from that project. Since then, I have been randomly creating posts on this site as quick notes to myself in the event I have to revisit any of these items.