My CVS/Proxy/Etc Server using Trustix 2.1

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Notes on all the extra stuff I add to my CVS server.’, ‘Ok.. so after getting Trustix installed and Webmin working.. I\’m going to start squid (Proxy server).

# chkconfig squid on
# service squid start

But, we still have to configure the ACL\’s and stuff..

In Webmin, click on “Servers” at the top, and scroll down to “Squid Proxy Server”, click it.. 🙂

Click on “Ports and Networking”
Change Proxy Ports to “Listed Below” and enter 5805 for the port, click “Save”
Now, select “Access Control”
In the lower left, click the drop down and select “Client Address” and click “Create new ACL”
Give it a name
Enter info (example):
From IP:
To IP:

Click Save

Add addition, if needed

Now, we need to allow them.

Click “Add proxy restriction” on the right side
Click “Allow” for the “Action”
Highlight your ACL
Click “Save”

Now, the new ACL is on the list, but if you notice, it is at the bottom, below the “Deny all” rule. Which means they will be denied as part of all, before they are allowed in your new ACL.. so, lets click on the up arrows to bring them to the top.

Now, click on “Apply Changes” toward the top of the screen.

Ok.. Now for CVS.. 🙂

Before we get started though, we need to install xinetd.. so let\’s do this:

# swup –install xinetd

# wget

# tar -xvzf cvs-1.11.15.tar.gz
# cd cvs-1.11.15
# ./configure
# make
# make install

Now, log into Webmin. Got to “System” and select “Users and Groups”

Click “Create User” and enter the following fields:

Username: cvs
Home Directory: /home/cvs
Under group
Existing Group: users
and click “Create”

# mkdir /home/cvs/root

Next, click on “Servers” and select “CVS Server”.
Change the Module Configuration:

CVS root directory: /home/cvs/root
and click “Initialize repository”

Now click on “Activate CVS Server”

But, since I\’m actually moving data from an old CVS server to this one, I\’ve got to untar the data first.. 🙂

So, cp the .tar.gz backup you made to /home/
# cp cvs.tar.gz /home
# cd /home
# tar -xvzf cvs.tar.gz
# chown -R cvs.users cvs

Now, just add your export line

# cd
# vi .bashrc


export CVSROOT=/home/cvs/root

All set

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